
contoh teks pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang kegiatan masyarakat

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all let us be grateful to the presence of God the Almighty. With permission and pleasure we can attend in order to open the implementation of "Forum Warga Forum" in our area.

I would like to express my gratitude to the various parties who have been present in our activities this time. We as a committee to thank the father of the Regent, the Heads of District, and the Lurah who took time to attend this opportunity.
Contents Speech Environmental Activities Community:
As you and Mother know, community development and empowerment in a better direction demands the freedom of citizens. Let them think and think freely about all the problems that are happening around them. Included in determining how to solve existing problems.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A more concrete example in our village or village. Here, all citizens should know whether the poor, the unemployed, the drop outs around us are growing, fixed or decreasing every year. Not only that, we also have the right to know about the cleanliness, safety and comfort of living next door. Anything related to social life must be known, realized and dealt with together.

The most appropriate choice to be able to "live together" like that is to meet all citizens or elements of citizens in one environment to dialogue or speak openly, transparently and democratically. In this meeting, citizens will know why and how the government's work plan, how much money is owned, from where the source of funds is to improve the welfare performance of its citizens.

The meeting also aims to increase the understanding between religious groups, antaretis, also between generations, bahakan expected to build cooperation for the common welfare. Meetings between citizens and elements of citizens held so far is no longer to discuss the problems and causes, plan the activities of the solution, to evaluate the results of activities. This is what is often called "Forum Warga".

Activities like this have actually become a tradition of the archipelago since the first. The commonly known as "village spray" in the villages.

This forum is not a group of organizations with formal structures. This is just a term to call a routine meeting of citizens to solve problems and increase cooperation among citizens.
Concluding Remarks Community Activities Community:
Such is the speech I can convey. We apologize if there is any shortage during this opening event, may God bless our good intentions. In addition, hopefully this Forum citizen activity in the future can be implemented properly. Amen.

Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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